Release Notes 09/2024

  • correct tags of csp header success messages
  • change orderbutton template directory​
  • change return value of array_insert_after, to make sure its always an array​

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix Text Editor to be able to view special html chars in companyname

  • dynamic generating of font sizes between mobile and desktop full hd
  • generate slideshow swiper only if is class swiper
  • add scroll top button script​
  • fixed scale font sizes​
  • fixed container full​
  • fixed contactform collection title​

Release Notes 08/2024

  • Increased max chars for email input fields​
  • Get session id from cookie​

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix login from category in catalog​
  • Fix contact form

  • Add modal flyout menu​
  • Flag isAvailable in ItemCard​
  • RMA Styling
  • Fix font-size of iconbar icons badge​

Release Notes 11/2023

  • Optimize Infrastructure

Release Notes 10/2023

Fixed Bugs:
  • Bugfix Cookie Banner
  • Stabilize Sorting/ Tree moving

Release Notes 09/2023

  • Optimize Cluster Infrastructure for Speed improvements
  • Optimize Cluster Infrastructure for Management

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix ContactForms for Collection Entries
  • Fix ContactForm Saving without reCaptcha

Release Notes 08/2023

Fixed Bugs:
  • Don‘t cache preview images (banners, gallery, etc.)
  • Fix mobile images for Banners
  • Change length for labeling in ContactForm

Release Notes 07/2023

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix display of preview image for Collections
  • Fix copy of Contact Form
  • Fix PNG Image Transformation

Release Notes 06/2023

  • New Layout Template for b2c
  • New Layout Template for b2b
  • UX Optimizations
  • Mustache Templates for many views & OrderButtonBuilder
  • Only pure JS
  • Replacement of external components like Magic Toolbox
  • Modern Bootstrap Grid

Release Notes 04/2023

  • Go-Live Frontend Delivery for &
  • Theme download
  • Publish button for pages
  • Preview function for pages
  • Fixed Dashboard
  • Fixed Error on Image Upload

Release Notes 03/2023

  • Drastically improve performance of image optimizations (at least 10x faster now)-
  • Properly implemented authorized preview feature (Works for all "Preview" buttons in backoffice)
  • Constantly reload preview images when creating lines for banners/gallery while sidebar is open
  • Rework redirections data providing for FrontendDelivery
  • Rework Sitemap Generation for FrontendDelivery
  • Rework FrontendWebProperty into DomainConfiguration for FrontendDelivery

Release Notes 02/2023

  • Performance Optimizations
  • Automatic restarts on error (Doctrine Entity Manager)
  • Added more Endpoints for frontend delivery

Release Notes 01/2023

  • Reworked Collections
    • better error messages
    • better communication with content services
    • reroll all changes in case of error

Release Notes 11/2022

  • Add Stopwatch and related ValueObjects
  • Initializer added to LongRunningWithEntityManager.php
  • Use stopwatch in sidecar
  • Enable dynamic use of SynchronousDomainEventHook
  • Add translation for inactive entries in collection lists [internationalization]
  • Add feature to get simple sitemaps [cmsMaster]
  • Use stopwatch [cmsMaster]
  • Time creates and updates for staticAssetClient [cmsContentService-banners]
  • Use stopwatch [cmsContentService-gallery]

Fixed Bugs:
  • Replace wrong variable in error message
  • Check for EntityManagerInterface instead of EntityManager
  • Fix validation of field-values in objects
  • Enable dynamic use of EventHook
  • Add cifs-utils for Azure File shares
  • Cannot access page when webproperty has no default language [cmsMaster]
  • Enable Content/Files menu option [cmsMaster]

Release Notes 10/2022

  • Completely moved to new CICD pipeline and new clusterSetup repos for test1euw and dc-prod1euw​
  • Updated SASS​
  • Moved from webpack to esbuild for static assets​
  • Moved compiling for static assets to pipeline
  • Added auto-compiling for static assets to image for local environment

  • Add simpler cache invalidation listener
  • Rework BasicAuthenticationTrait to utilize DomainMessage instead of Command
  • Add fn to get and restore rendered entities from cache
  • Yaml json schema validator
  • Improve render performance [textcontent]
  • Implement two different api keys one for frontend and backoffice [googlemaps]
  • DisplayDuration input to select [banners]
  • Add collection data to contactform body [contactform]
  • Added handling of limit and offset query params [cmsMaster]
  • Add preview button to page manage content [cmsMaster]
  • Default values for content services can be defined in OpenAPI [cmsMaster]
  • Save header when creating new line content service entry [cmsMaster]

Fixed Bugs:
  • Add missing fields to RequestSpecificationNotMetMessage
  • Prevent specific DomainMessageHandler from adding itself to it's own fallback
  • Foreach is calling only on arrays and traversal objects
  • Do not create image or file setup element if group not created in static asset backoffice
  • Change active boolean for banner lines (in collections) to default true [banners]
  • Adds validation for missing facebook Pixel ID [cmsMaster]
  • Fix Element Temaplates Insertion [cmsMaster]
  • Url slug generation for pages [cmsMaster]
  • Fixing problems with updating in navigation [cmsMaster]
  • Fix localization for "to top" and "to bottom" buttons  [cmsMaster]
  • Collection entry validity [cmsMaster]
  • Detect and manage CollectionSystemFieldCreation error if an external service is not available [cmsMaster]
  • Clearing entity manager after deleting a ContentLink [cmsMaster]

  • Configure Renovate [all services]
  • Pin dependencies [all services]
  • Cleanup composer dependencies [all services]
  • Add return types to OIDCProviderConfigCollection
  • Remove dccms.registration.json from version control [cmsMaster]

Release Notes 09/2022

  • Added maillog to CMS​
  • Add tenant id and web property id to info box in CMS

  • Added BasicAuthorizationTrait for future rework of command handlers
  • Partially moved to new CICD pipeline [Work in progress]
  • Introduce new "infrastructure as code" repositories for AKS-clusters [Work in progress]
  • Optimized base image for local debugging​
  • Normalize spelling of tenantID for contactForm service for compatibility with cmsMaster​
  • Added customizable php memory limits to service environments​

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fixing problem with presenting list of collection elements​
  • Allow page creation as non-super user
  • Card delete buttons not working for collection entries
  • Collections Entry Card - Click on save and close not close sidebar​
  • Image upload / delete on general image list not working​
  • 403 - Forbidden when sidebar tries to get snapshot of image​
  • [contactForm-service] add tenantID-field to contactForm sending​
  • [contactForm-service] add missing function and refactor helpers

Release Notes 08/2022

  • Add “Move to Top” and “Move to Bottom” for Contents​
  • Add Icons for Filetypes in File List​

Fixed Bug​s:
  • Respect User Language Choice​
  • Fix display of nested inactive Components​
  • Fix undefined var/key errors​
  • Improve Memory Handling​
  • Fix EntityManager undefined warning​
  • Fix animation of loading buttons​
  • Fix error on TextContent Modified Event​
  • Add Blackfire Profiling to Base Images​
  • Improve Cluster Stability​

Release Notes 07/2022

  • Add automatic URL-Slug generation for Pages​
  • Changed all Services to Azure hosted Database​

Fixed Bug​s:
  • Improve Stability​
  • Sidecar: Rework Compressing Serializer​
  • Internationalization: Fix Exception leads to no response​
  • Internationalization: Fix Composer Dependency Problems​
  • Fix Image Upload / Delete on Image List​
  • Fix Saving of TextContent​
  • Show inactive Collection Entries on Backoffice​
  • Fix display of Banner Lines in Frontend​
  • Fix Filters of Collections​
  • Fix Composer Dependencies​

Release Notes 04/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Add missing Events to all Command Handlers​
  • Make Cookie Banner fields in language not mandatory​
  • Change reloading of data to respect event distribution​
  • Fix issues with sorting of PageContent or Navigation
  • Reworked Tree Nodes to prevent errors
  • Reworked Event Distribution
  • Fixed Cluster Ressources​

Release Notes 02/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Add missing Events to all Command Handlers​
  • Make Cookie Banner fields in language not mandatory​
  • Change reloading of data to respect event distribution​
  • Fix issues with sorting of PageContent or Navigation​

  • Prevent Sidebar from accidentally closing with unsaved changes​
  • Rollout default Theme automatically on Service start​
  • Add CSV import for redirections​
  • Add Preview-Link to Page Card​

Release Notes 12/2021

  • DC privacy banner (Beta)
  • Themes Management (Beta)
  • Link privacy agreement and imprint page in language settings
  • Link 404 Page in language settings
  • Configure custom CDN Url in webproperty settings
  • Configure robots.txt content in webproperty settings
  • Error message in cms backoffice with unique Request Id for support request
  • Content Services static sorting in cms backoffice
  • ContactForm send button text in frontend con be changed in cms backoffice

Release Notes 11/2021

  • CSP-Header-Management

Fixed Bugs:
  • fixed bugs with caching errors caused by missing events

Release Notes 10/2021

  • Added class for active tree to frontend navigation content template
  • Added new collection system field type checkbox
  • Added anchorId to ContentLink card
  • Added sorting option to device display settings for each device size
  • Improved cms backoffice performance by approx. 6 times for bigger websites and approx. 4 for smaller websites

Release Notes 09/2021

  • new content service FileGallery
  • new content service GoogleMaps
  • new system sitepart LanguageSwitch
  • new system sitepart Breadcrumb
  • Manage files in dynamic content
  • Use tags to map browser languages to language entity
  • OG tags for page and collection entry
  • Slugify path prefixes on WebProperty, Language, Page and Collection Entry create
  • Configure href-Lang tags for page and collection entry
  • Copy of Page
  • Copy a content element on a page
  • Save a grouped content as element template
  • Allow drag & drop / sorting for content service lines e.g. fields of a ContactForm
  • Update most services to PHP8