Release Notes 09/2024

  • Add Collana Pay Script Payments​
  • Show additional data as json for debug in mustache templates​
  • Workflow/PR: extend template for PRs to be more explicit​
  • PDOQueryWrapper: add values to the comparisonValidation-exception​
  • remove order item ids from shipOrders for channable​
  • Add DHL as fallback carrier for channable​

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix date output in document archive to display correctly formatted document date
  • fix change var prod group column length in shop item table​
  • fix campaigns for channable​

  • add price classes in mustache​
  • add inventorysign in itemlist2 viewmodel​
  • config show inventory in itemlist​
  • add dynamic cms content for itemcard​
  • add category array in category info​
  • add link in variant array​
  • styling salesperson box​
  • multiple sales person​
  • margin category picture​
  • separate graduated prices​
  • fixed dc order​
  • fixed favorites​

Release Notes 08/2024

  • Check multiplier for graduated prices​
  • Rework item permissions
  • Add Birthday input for Klarna​
  • Only allow one (most) line discount for Bestprice

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fixed open order details in archive
  • Fix shopping worlds​
  • Fix salesperson variants

Release Notes 07/2023

  • Add Collanay Pay
  • Add Extension Manager
  • Add AjaxFormApi
  • Add attributes in itemlist 2
  • Rework permissions
  • Speedup RegionalizedTextProvider
  • Only show active variants in b2b
  • fix permissions for variants in b2b
  • fix age gate for coupon and subscription order
  • fix step in basket spinner

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix crashing of item card
  • fix search escaping
  • fix to long street names in order step 1
  • fix RMA

  • Hide header basker hover in salesperson
  • Styling rma
  • fix direct order input indexes
  • Rework add all to basket in b2b
  • fix flash-messages for basket add
  • Styling ordermail b2b

Release Notes 06/2024

  • Optimize category speed
  • Load b2b itemlist prices with ajax
  • Add percentage shipping cost
  • Add exclude to item/catgegory permissions
  • Add item campaign discount to channable feed
  • Use main user for customer contact in salesperson portal
  • Send ordermail to customer main user, add salesperson to bc
  • Encode html entities in descriptions for channable feed
  • Add all reference nos to channable feed
  • Rework direct order and add import b2b
  • Add multiplier to fallback item price

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix webshop order detail view
  • Fix theme registry in GeneralAjaxData
  • Fix subscription item price decorator

  • Add modal close eventlistener
  • Add new convert php integration
  • Styling direct order import b2b
  • Add sticky orderbar b2b/salesperson
  • Update catalog styling

Release Notes 05/2024

  • Refactor get_attributes to use WebshopItemAttributeDecorator
  • Add more data to dataLayer for tracking
  • Optimize biConnect
  • Add option to have more then one saleperson_code
  • Optimize multi currency / best price with multi currency
  • Show orders of all shops for customers in salesperson portal
  • CurrencyManager implementation for MultiCurrency
  • Optimize document archive (speed / amount of docs)
  • Get additional data as json for mustache
  • Add additional data to shop_view_active_item

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix subscription order
  • Fix additional data
  • Reduce amount of “changedetected” calls to bc for webform
  • Fix document archive nav orders
  • Fix state of webshop order in order archive
  • Fix salesperson sitepart
  • Fix sorting of attribute filter in categories
  • Fix reset of doc archive

  • Split payment box
  • Styling salesperson list
  • Add mustache for language switch
  • Catalog: mobile search
  • Loginboxes
  • Fix arrows in itemcard thumbs
  • Fix swiper in itemcard
  • Fix itemcard images
  • Fix balance and credit limit dashboard format

Release Notes 04/2024

  • get_itemcard_descriptions to use ItemDescriptonDecorator
  • remove unused FormBuilder and dependent classes
  • remove dependency on external dbtool.config.php
  • Remove: unused classes/interfaces/functions in dc/common
  • info tcs for shop account
  • Add customer credit limit for b2b
  • add simple accesslogger to log page views for bi dashboard
  • add bc demo data rapidstart package
  • change structure of channable feed
  • add 'sales' shop type to RegionalizedTextProvider
  • sync customer Balance & Credit Limit to Webshop
  • add E-Commerce Tab on Item Card
  • Channable Optimizations
  • respect multi selection of webshop items in list for update
  • always sync item attributes as text if not option and add unit of measure
  • change code for attribute sync to only run if not temporary and RunTrigger
  • add Ignore Credit Limit to PaymentOption

Fixed Bugs:
  • move E-Commerce Group on Item List to Navigate (BC24)
  • rename UpdateChart function because of errors with BC24
  • prevent error when evaluate item attribute integer text values to integer value
  • fixed search by item references
  • fixed breadcrumb backlink in itemcard
  • fix local mailhog setup
  • fix field visibility and update of customer balance
  • fix get discounts from item discount group

  • hide basket headline if basket is empty in quick order 
  • add success message in document archive
  • add setting show graduated prices in itemlist
  • check minimum value in quantity spinner
  • show brand logo only if is filled
  • changed tc for order mail
  • fixed password change request invalid link in outlook 
  • fixed itemcard images click bug 
  • fix itemcard variants not clickable 
  • fixed itemcard in b2b 
  • fixed item cross references 
  • fixed modal shop user 
  • fixed max width in itemcard images 

Release Notes 03/2024

  • Change docker mariadb version and command
  • Cron: remove logfiles older then 6 month
  • Cron: add loading of textconstants from files to db
  • Textconstants: improve loading of textconstants from db
  • Catalog features
  • Salesperson features
  • Performance Optimizations
  • Remove variants from item preview
  • Add Salesperson History to dashboard and account
  • Add chosen customer sitepart for salesperson dashboard
  • Permanently sync Item Attributes to Webshop Attributes
  • Permanently sync Item Pictures to Webshop Images
  • Permanently sync Item Extended Texts to Webshop Item Descriptions

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix numberformatter in order statistic
  • Fix variant favorites in b2b
  • Fix collection preview for different languages
  • Fix creation of empty user baskets
  • Remove legacy autoloader

  • Itemcard fixes
  • Fix dealer search

Release Notes 02/2024

  • add collection filter with ajax
  • change attribute filters to post
  • add multi-currency to order statistics
  • add trailing slash to all requests
  • enable password link for salesperson login
  • integrate salesperson in b2b
  • integrate catalog in b2b
  • optimize shop filter on item card
  • add salesperson max discount to salesperson page​

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix password reset link for login page
  • fix order state on b2b dashboard
  • remove href from filters
  • fix category preview
  • fix order mail spacer

  • style Gift Packages
  • fix order mail
  • fix breadcrump in order
  • fix delivery date in checkout
  • add AJAX collection filter

Release Notes 12/2023

  • add subscriptions to user account b2c
  • BCFeatures are now set active by code
  • read greeting card and packaging to basket
  • add new length to InsertSalesLine Description
  • add confirm message when changing server synch password
  • add fixed cross price
  • add Webshops & Regions
  • save item card shop filter per user

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix vat calculation b2c​
  • fix basket shipping address for shipment amount​
  • fix fpdf for php8​
  • keep basket items after login b2c​
  • fix display of main image on item card

  • clickable campaign badges
  • styling campaigns in basket and itemcard
  • styling dealer search

Release Notes 11/2023

  • Add port to login redirect when item in catalogue is selected
  • remove: SubscriptionOrderButtonFormFactory.php
  • remove: addressFormBuilder.php
  • Create Image Thumbs from NAV
  • Config: create new sections in the example .env and add flags
  • add requested delivery date to order mail b2b
  • dbtool: make use of .env db variables the default
  • change how campaign promotions are saved and displayed
  • hide "Weiter Preise" if there are only 1 price
  • show bom components on item card
  • check password strength at password change
  • show small_quantity_charge in all views

Fixed Bugs:
  • fix hide user sorting in categories
  • get paydirekt api key from env
  • fix ckfinder for bc webform
  • fix sitemap cronjob
  • fix theme loading for ajax calls

  • define list type for search and favorites by yaml
  • add bg cover class
  • add ts to gulp
  • fix regionalizedTextProvider for catalog shop type
  • fixed inactive pagination
  • set table wrapper in itemcard descriptions
  • styling itemlist b2b
  • styling item statistics
  • fixed reCAPTCHA
  • fixed slideshow sorting

Release Notes 10/2023

  • Add Channable Feature
  • Refactor shop_item_preview

Fixed Bugs:
  • Prevent Parent Item to be orderable in QuickOrder
  • Fix Collection Filter
  • Change some Textconstants
  • Fix Company/Shop/Language Selection in CMS Backend
  • Remove DB Backup Files from CMS
  • Remove unused Classes

  • Change Position of SlideShow Preview Image
  • Style Basket Customization
  • Style Subscription and Customization
  • Add Promotion Badge for Subscription

Release Notes 09/2023

  • Remove ItemOrderButtonBuilder
  • Redirect to 404 if there is no category
  • Add permissions to b2b top items
  • Add placeholder image to b2c item card
  • Refactor collection / itemlist pagination
  • Refactor ItemCategoryDecorator

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix item customizations
  • Fix item price b2b basket
  • Fix attribute display b2c
  • Fix b2b item statistic
  • Fix subscription order
  • Fix webforms / multiupload
  • Fix open customer login
  • Fix Basket b2b
  • Fix Document State for webshop orders

  • Finetuning mobile
  • Finetuning b2b / b2c
  • Styling website
  • Style top salesperson switch
  • Fix itemlist b2b padding
  • Fix Favicons
  • Styling hover menu
  • Fix ckeditor styling

Release Notes 08/2023

  • Show always all ratings for all variants
  • Speed Up Filter Query
  • Add %order_date% placeholder for email_order_1 textmodule
  • Speed Up b2b ItemList
  • Add Ajax loading to b2b variants
  • Make Themes available to CMS Backend
  • Cheatsheet for b2b/b2c Demo Experience

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix b2b logout url

  • Fix News & Jobs Collection
  • Add Font Caching
  • Allow JSON in CKFinder
  • Add GoogleMaps mustache Template
  • Add A/B Script to CMS
  • Optimize Mobile Layout
  • Add Catalog Theme
  • Style Ordermail
  • Add dc order to ordermail

Release Notes 07/2023

  • Demo Environment Management
  • Add DateTime to AddVar

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix Shipping Coupons
  • Fix Category Coupons
  • Fix Item Coupons
  • Fix Max Quantity
  • Fix Password Validation
  • Fix Webforms
  • Fix Order History

  • Styling Cookiebanner
  • Fix Firefox Swiperbug

Release Notes 06/2023

  • Add Age Verification
  • Refactor ItemOrderButtonBuilder to mustache
  • Add campaign items to basket preview
  • Add Themes

  • New Ordermails
  • Finetuning Mobile
  • List View Switch
  • Change Layout Generation for Themes
  • Fix Firefox Bugs
  • Add 360 Viewer
  • Add Demo Child Theme

Release Notes 04/2023

  • BC Feature Management
  • Multi Variants through ItemLink
  • Json Updates for Webshop Items
  • Multifilter
  • Category Groups (href lang)
  • VAT Groups on Country
  • Settings for fundamental price
  • Coupons in Basket
  • Shipping Country in Basket
  • Change Vat based on Shipping Country
  • Ajax Basket
  • Ajax Favorites
  • Status Indicator for Orders
  • New Attribute display settings (List/Card)
  • Reworked QuickOrder
  • Item Statistics
  • Kiosk Mode
  • PHP 8.1+
  • Testing Framework
  • New Demo Data

  • New Layout Template for b2c
  • New Layout Template for b2b
  • UX Optimizations
  • Mustache Templates for many views & OrderButtonBuilder
  • Only pure JS
  • Replacement of external components like Magic Toolbox
  • Modern Bootstrap Grid

Release Notes 10/2022

  • refactored shop account login​
  • added animated number adding​
  • improved styling disabled checkboxes
  • refactored input login form
  • changed usability in password_change_request
  • improved invalid email error message
  • added different external media info action buttons

Fixed Bugs:
  • b2b order step - deactivate edit address when standard address
  • fixes breadcrumb page parameter​
  • mobile subnavigation is scrollable​
  • escape single quotes in tag manager properties
  • fixed bugs in password reminder
  • fix to only create one unique shipment address per customer
  • fixed query in item description marketplace update

Release Notes 09/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Add missing parameter in paypal checkout for disabling shipping address changes​
  • Finding categories from other languages​
  • Item QTY Rule​
  • Use ItemTotal instead of BasketTotal
  • Add error messages when editing shop_user wrong​
  • Correct sorting of shop_user when adding more than 10 users​
  • Add number of attributes to check for tabs on item card​
  • Attribute sorting​
  • Spelling mistake in textconstant​
  • General HTML structure​
  • Links in user menu​
  • Search statistics for shops with same code and other company​

  • Detect touchdevice

  • Webshop Category: add CategoryService​
  • og-meta tags generated by get_fb_meta_info()​
  • Flashmessages​

  • New Provider: MyFonts​
  • New Provider: Microsoft Clarity​
  • Add possiblity to use <img /> for youtube​

Release Notes 08/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix Coupon Modal Messages​
  • Fix Demo Seeds for Password Reminder​
  • Fix Slidecontent paddings​
  • Update NAV Objects​

Release Notes 07/2022

  • Refactor get_brand_name and get_brand_logo to use AttributeDecorator​
  • Add Google Analytics 4 to DC Cookie​
  • Refactor Item Feed Generator​

  • Move Favorite Delete Button​
  • Fix H1 Description on ItemCard​
  • Fix Account Lists Toggle​
  • Fix jQuery​
  • Change Frontend Structure​

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix free Campaign Item​
  • Fix Filter unset for Category Filters​
  • Add missing function to class WebshopOrderLine​
  • Fix target URL in login modal​
  • Added missing field for filter-reset​
  • Changed CSS Class of Password Reminder Button​
  • Fix edit User Form when login type is E-Mail / Password​
  • Added TypeScript to Gulp-Tasks​
  • Fix ItemList2 in Catalog​​
  • Replace duplicated code for Computop Responses​
  • Delete category_description_excerpt from NavConnect​
  • Respect Page Param for add Favorite from Item List​
  • Fix Calculation of Coupon Value in Modal​
  • Fix Coupon Value Types​
  • Fix submitting of Form in Order Process​
  • Fix Demo Seeds for Digital Coupon​

Release Notes 06/2022

 Fixed Bug​s:
  • Fixed negative total possible when using coupons​
  • External group link opens in new tab​
  • Excel Import Export​
  • B2B – Fix Permission on Item Card​
  • Add CouponCodes to JS Code​
  • Add multiple Trigger for Direct Order​
  • Fix Login Error with session_regenerate_id()​
  • Extend ItemVariantDecorator to fetch Item Images​
  • Add “discount_group” to ‘nac_primary’ in table shop_sales_line​
  • Fix remove reCAPTCHA to enable Spam Protection​
  • Update Demo Seeds​

Release Notes 05/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Restructured shop_login_listener
  • Fix Coupon Order for Order History
  • Change handling of Computop Success/Error/Notify URL
  • Regex Phone No. for Numbers only

  • Styling new Fields for COntactForms
  • Update Slideshows

Release Notes 04/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Add https for password reminder​
  • Prevent stacking of “login_error=true” in URL​
  • Added isNaN checks to numbers and implemented default values​
  • Fix flash message for free campaign item​
  • Fix saving of category description in webform​
  • Fix query for selecting lines in document repository​

Release Notes 03/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • generate all sitemaps per domain seperatly
  • Fixed problem that modals are not shown ​
  • fix jquery ie​
  • change password needle for logging​
  • add logger to shop_login_listener​
  • add date rangepicker text constants​
  • dcCookie change text constants​

  • add option to generate progressive jpeg's while image resizing

Release Notes 02/2022

Fixed Bugs:
  • Fix DB Pass output to User​
  • Fix Address selection / display in b2c order process
  • Remove Login Lightbox in b2b if user is already logged in
  • Set min quantity in ItemList to 0
  • Fix psr4 Errors when updating composer

  • Optimize display of Invoice Address on mobile
  • Fix JS Performance for HTML inputs
  • Remove Modal Body if text is empty

  • Add WebshopItemPriceDecorator​
  • Optimize DB handling with single instances

Release Notes 12/2021

Fixed bugs:
  • First and last name in b2c order process are not escaped correctly
  • Wrong check if item variants are available 
  • Shopping world setting does not check current site context 
  • Display message of guest customer has entered a invalid e-mail address 

  • Change display of attribute information on item card

Release Notes 11/2021

Fixed bugs:
  • hashing greeting card text to not exceed basket entity character limit in db
  • wrong session usage in dcCMS for CKEditor
  • cannot download item images in webform 
  • wrong path for deleting item image in webform 
  • caching error in ckeditor 
  • calculating wrong prices for item cross price

  • prevent access to every customer address by changing a hidden id field

  • allow decryption of computop data, when we do not know the shop
  • speed up webshop order archive to only fetch linked documents based on current displayed webshop orders 
  • implement usage of breadcrumb functionality 

  • improved styling of newsletter settings in b2c account 
  • improved mobile styling of address management 
  • improved styling of digital coupon order process

Release Notes 10/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Checked condition to transfer newsletter for sales headers is wrong
  • Pagination with active filter in document archive is not working
  • Used image for facebook metadata output can differ from item main image 

  • Improve performance of price queries

Release Notes 09/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Only show return order fields in customer account of module is active
  • Error if no connection details configured for CleverReach

  • Refresh styling of item comments, sharing
  • Fixed bug with videos on item card
  • Fixed bug with customization in basket
  • Fixed bug with filter slider in item list
  • Fixed bug with display of item variants in list

Release Notes 08/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Set length of VAT Fields in MySQL to 20 to reflect changes in NAV/Business Central
  • Redirect to Logout Page Domain if Login Page has different Domain
  • Add missing Directory Separator for Webforms
  • Rename Search Input in B2B to work correctly
  • Refactor Document Type Filter in Document Archive
  • Prevent CMS Login problems by not sanitizing the input password

  • Add Logout Button in Shop Account
  • Frontend Performance Package

Release Notes 07/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Missing back button in b2c order step 1 if no digital coupon is set
  • Only show basket breadcrumb if we are on a valid subpage e.g. greeting card 
  • Wrong login url in catalog to login into linked b2b webshop
  • Using wrong shop source in direct order
  • Wrong repository criteria operator used to find documents in archive causing error message 
  • Missing ItemSlug information in order step 1 in b2b webshop showing PHP error
  • Wrong formatting of graduated prices showing PHP error in item list

  • Prevent jumpmark scrolling in modals

  • Automatically add site urls to CSP headers to allow login from catalog into b2b with different domains

Release Notes 06/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • JS error in dealer search
  • Not able to change shipment / invoice address as guest making a b2c order, not able to uncheck company checkbox 
  • Missing filter for default shipment options, empty list in some cases
  • Missing correct CSP url for computop paygate, credit card form gets blocked 
  • Error in matching shipping zones, 0 is ignored in post code 
  • Images in document archive not displayed 
  • Wrong inclusion of Google Analytics in dc cookie 
  • Customer erasure not working, because of wrong model configuration 
  • Order history shows vat information of current basket 
  • Missing Basket in Breadcrumb on greeting card and gift package overlay
  • Missing crawler exclusion in dc cookie
  • Error when trying to remove coupon code in b2b order process 
  • Site title is not displayed for items without category
  • Use short URL option is ignored in sitemap generation 
  • Newsletter form not working except on main page
  • Category sorting not calculated correctly with given request information 

  • Fixed display of overlay in dealer search
  • Fixed bug with loading fronts, added preloading 

Release Notes 05/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Error in calculation of customer permissions for current basket items
  • NAV Variants are missing in generated sitemap
  • Sitemap contains links to collection entries details view, even if no details view exists 
  • Cannot save website in cms, query error

  • Fixed responsive view of b2b document archive details card

  • Allow creation of multiple 404 pages for different websites

Release Notes 04/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Error in shipment address in b2b order process, typo in variable and function usage
  • Error in filter logic in b2b item list 

  • Fixed bug with too long price text
  • Fixed styling of date picker input 
  • Fixed bug with jumping images on item card
  • Deactivate next slide for inputs in slideshow 
  • CMS in new dc CI 
  • B2C and B2B webshop in new dc CI 

  • Filter parameters with specific key words

  • Added new Facebook domain verification setting to website settings
  • Implemented new dc cookie consent banner

Release Notes 03/2021

Fixed Bugs:
  • Wrong logo used for shipping options, not using current language
  • Display of 404 after payment error
  • Wrong link of back button in digital coupon order process 
  • Duplicated price display on b2b item list 
  • Display of empty prices in b2b item list 
  • Wrong sorting calculated in b2b item list 
  • Small quantity charge amount is missing in order summary in b2c order process 
  • Amazon payment widget not displayed in b2c order process
  • Category list not displayed correctly in catalog

  • Enabled HTTP-Only Cookies
  • Prevent variable injection for defined parameters