Activate a customer for the webshop

Here we show you how to activate a customer for the webshop.

It should be noted that a customer must be created in the system to be able to activate it for the webshop at all.

The customer selected here as an example is created by default in NAV. The name of the customer is ‘Glide Jupiter AG’ with the customer number ‘30000’.

Step 1: Open the customer list

Navigate to the customer area by typing ‘customers’ in the search bar.

Step 2: Open the customer card

Mark the line with the customer you want to activate for the webshop. In our example we select the ‘Glide Jupiter AG’.

Click on the fast tab ‘Edit’ in the ribbon bar ‘Manage’ in order to open the customer card.

Step 3: Set the E-Commerce data

Scroll down to the bottom of the customer card to get to the ‘E-Commere’ tab. In our example we want to active the customer for the B2B webshop, which the NAV is linked to. For this we are activating the switch ‘Has Webshop Login’.

If you have more then one webshop linked, you need to choose a shop first.

Step 4: Send Email

You need to enter the email address of the customer in the field ‘Webshop Login E-Mail Addr.’ to be able to send the access data to the customer.

In our example we enter the email ‘’ and click on the fast tab ‘Zugangsdaten versenden’ in the ribbon bar ‘Process’.

Step 5: Test the customer access

You can test if the access data, which you send to your customer, actually work. Just click on the fast tab ‘Kundenzugang öffnen’ in the ribbon bar ‘Process’. If you are redirected to the customer area of the webshop, you have successfully activated the customer.