Create item categories

We will show you how to create different item categories. Basically, item categories are used to group the articles in-house.

For each webshop a category tree can be created with any number of categories.These categories can be nested up to five levels deep. Any number of articles can be assigned to a category. Also a article can be in any number of categories.

Step 1: Open the overview of the item categories

Navigate to the overview of the item categories via the search bar. Simply enter ‘item categories’ there.

Step 2: Create an item category of 1st level

Click on the fast tab ‘new’ to create a new category of the first level. The new entry will be created in the first row. The list is already editable in the overview, which enables a faster edit of the categories. With a click on ‘Edit List’ the category can be edited instantly.

In our example we name the item category of first level ‘FURNITURE’. Also, it advisable here to use ‘Office_Furniture’ as the description and create ‘height’ and ‘depth’ as attributes. Attributes can be created by clicking on an empty row in the menu ‘Attributes’ and selecting the corresponding attribute. The height should have a default value of ‘170’ and the depth a default value of ‘605’.

Step 3: Create an item category of 2nd level

To create a category of the second level, you need to click on the fast tab ‘New’ again. The new entry will be inserted under the selected category of second level.

In our example we name the category ‘CHAIR’. Also we use ‘Office-Chair’ as a description and assign the category to the parental category ‘FURNITURE’. As a result, the new article category ‘CHAIR’ inherits all attributes of the superordinate category.

Step 4: Update item category

If you want to synchronize the categories with your webshop system right away, simply click on the fast tab ‘Recalculate’. This will update all categories and apply the recent changes.

All changed categories will be automatically updated with the next full data update.