Create a webshop item

Here we show you how to create a webshop item.

Basically, you need to create a master item to be able to create a webshop item. The exemplary chosen master item is created in NAV by default and is in our example a ‘touring bike’ with the item number ‘1000’.

For every master item there can be several webshop items assigned, which differ for example in the language.

The minimal requirements for a webshop item are at least one picture, a checked ‘Active’ box, and a description.

As a description there can be a short and a long description assigned. The short description should be about 3-4 sentences long and will be shown at the top of the item card. The long description should be noticeably longer and should describe the item in detail.

Step 1: Open the overview of the webshop items

Therefore, you need to navigate to the list of items via searching for ‘item’ in the search bar.

Step 2: Open the webshop item card

Now you need to mark the row with the desired master item, which you want to create as a webshop item. In our example it is the ‘touring bike’ with the Item-No. 1000.

Click on the fast tab ‘Webshop’ in the ribbon bar ‘Item’ in order to open the webshop item card.

Step 3: Webshop Selection

In the menu ‘Webshop Selection’ you can choose the webshop in which the item should be edited.

In our example we choose the webshop ‘CRONUS-B2B’ and the language ‘EN’.

Step 4: Maintain the general data of the item

In the menu ‘General’ certain fields will be automatically filled with the values of the master item. In our example there should be ‘1000’ as item number and ‘touring bike’ as description already filled in.

Now you need to check the box ‘Active’ in order to activate the item in your webshop.

Step 5: Assign an item to a webshop category

Now the item should be assigned to a webshop category. This will allow the item to be found easier online. To do this, simply select the fast tab ‘Categories’. This will take you to the overview of the categories. Click on the first empty row in the column ‘Category Name’, to assign a category name to the item. This will open the Webshop Category selection. Here we select in the column ‘name’ the entry ‘road-bikes’ and confirm the selection by clicking on the button ‘Ok’.

Step 6: Create a short description

If you want a description of the item displayed in your webshop, you need to maintain a suitable short and long description via the fast tab ‘Descriptions’. To create a short description, write ‘short-description’ in the first empty row in the column ‘Description’. Now you can click on the column ‘Content’, which opens an editor where the text for the description can be typed in and formatted.

Step 7: Create a long description

To create a long description for the item, maintain the ‘long-description’ in the row under the short description. Clicking on the column ‘Content’ opens the editor again, in which the text for the long description can be typed.

Step 8: Adding pictures to the item

Maintaining suitable pictures via the fast tab ‘Images’ for the item is required, so these pictures can be displayed in the webshop. Clicking on the first empty row in the column ‘File’ will take you to the webform view. Single or multiple pictures in JPEG or PNG format can be uploaded there via drag and drop. These pictures will be converted to the right size automatically.

Step 9: Add cross selling items

To add suitable cross selling items to your webshop items, you need to navigate via the ribbon bar ‘Related’ to the fast tab ‘Cross-Selling’. There you simply click on the fast tab ‘Fitting Items’. In our example we choose the ‘speed-bike’ with the item number ‘1002’.

Step 10: Add spare parts to an item

Spare parts can also be added via the fast tab ‘Cross-Selling’. Simply click on the fast tab ‘Spare Parts’ there. In our example we choose the ‘speed breaks’ with the item number ‘1005’.

Step 11: Update the webshop item

Now you need to click on the fast tab ‘Update Webshop Item’ in menu. This will update the webshop item and synchronize it with the webshop system, so the recent changes can be applied.

All of these changes will be automatically applied with the next update of all data.