Coupon Codes - Create Coupon

With our app it's also posible to create multiple coupon codes at once.


You will find the menu item "Create Coupon Lines" at the page "Coupon Header". Clicking on it will open the menu to create coupons.


Here you can specify a prefix with which all coupon codes start.


Here you can specify a suffix with which all coupon codes end.

No. of random characters

In this field you can specify how many characters your coupon codes should have.

No. of coupon lines

Here you can set the number of coupon codes to be generated.

Amount (only for Value Type Amount)

In this field you have to set the initial amount for the coupons. Upon activating this amount is available for the coupon codes.

Percentage (only for Value Type Percent)

Here you set the percentage of the coupon.

Item No. (only for Value Type Item)

In this field you have to specify the No. of the item you want to add to the orders if the coupon code is used.

Amount From

Defines the amount from which the coupon can be redeemed. This restriction can not be assigned for value coupons.

Max No. of Uses

This field determines how often the coupon can be used. This restriction can not be assigned for value coupons.

Starting Date

In this field a date can be given from which the coupons are valid.

Ending Date

In this field a date can be specified to which date the coupons are valid.

Set created coupons active

If you check this checkbox all newly generated coupon codess will automatically be activated. Otherwise all coupon codes get the status open and you can manually activate them later.