Shipping Costs - Shipping Options

Our extension allows you to store any number of shipping options in the system to easily add shipping costs to your orders.


Navigate to the shipping groups via the search bar. Then click on shipping options.


The description of the shipping option will be displayed later in your order.

Shipping Zone Code

Via Shipping Zone Code, you can assign a shipping zone to the shipping option.The shipping option is then only valid for this zone.

Shipping Class Code

By Shipping Class Code you can assign a shipping class to the shipping option. When determining the valid shipping options, the shipping option with the most prioritized shipping class is selected and all other shipping options are not taken into account, matching the articles in the order.

Is Active

Allows you to enable or disable shipping options. The deactivated shipping options are not considered when selecting the shipping options for an order.

Valid from/ Valid to

With the two fields Valid from / Valid to a period can be specified in which a shipping option is valid. When calculating the shipping costs for an order, the shipping options are then filtered according to this setting by the work date.

Weight from/ Weight to

With the two fields weight from / weight to, shipping options can be additionally filtered via the weight of the articles in the order.

Order value from/ Order value to

With the two fields order value from / order value to shipping options can be additionally filtered according to the setup by the total / the sum of the articles in the order.


You can define from which order value (total or sum of the articles) a shipping option is free.

Shipping Cost

In the field Shipping Cost the shipping costs for this shipping option are deposited. These will be included in the order when calculating the shipping costs.

Shipping Agent Code

You can enter a Shipping Agent Code stored in the system in the field Shipping Agent Code. This Shipping Agent Code is automatically written to the corresponding field on the order when a shipping option is added to a job.

Shipping Agent Service Code

You can enter a Shipping Agent Service Code stored in the system. This Shipping Agent Service Code is automatically written to the appropriate field on the order when a shipping option is added to an order.

Shipment Method Code

You can enter a Shipment Method Code in the field Shipment Method Code & nbsp; This delivery condition code & nbsp; is automatically written into the corresponding field on the order when a shipping option is placed in an order.

Sales Order Text

You can enter a text module stored in the system in the field Sales Order Text. When inserting a shipping option into an order, this text module is automatically inserted as an additional line after the shipping cost line and, if configured, also unfolded.

Copy Shipping Options

To minimize the cost of maintaining new shipping options, existing shipping options can be copied to a new line with the button " Copy Shipping Option " and then adjusted there.