Shipping Costs - Basic Setup

After installing the extension "dynamic commerce shipping costs" you will find the basic setup via the search in Dynamics 365 Business Central on the Basic Setup help page.

Posting Type

You can use the posting type to specify how shipping options should be posted to orders in the future.

Here you have the choice between:
  • G/L Account
  • Resource
  • Item
  • Charge

After the selection you can choose the corresponding Sales No. in the field below.

Sum Calculation

In the field Sum Calculation you can choose how the amount for the automatic selection of the shipping option will be calculated.
Here you have the choice between the entire order or only the sum of the articles.

Default Sorting

If more than one valid shipping option is found for an order, you can use the Sort field to specify the order in which the shipping options are displayed for selection.

The following sort options are available:
  • manual sorting
  • price