Set up webshop payment options

We will show you in the following guide how to set up several payment options for the webshop.

Fundamentally these payment options are different possibilities for a customer to settle the outstanding bill.

Any number of payment options can be set up per webshop.

Step 1: Open the Webshop Language list

By searching for ‘language’ in the search bar, you can navigate to the Webshop Language list.

Step 2: Open the payment options for the webshop

Click on the fast tab ‘Payment Options’ in the ribbon bar ‘Setup’ to open the payment options.

Step 3: Create a payment option

A new payment option can be created by clicking on the fast tab ‘new’. This entry will be inserted above the currently selected row. To enable a faster creation and editing of the payment options, you can edit the overview of the payment options already via this list. This means, that the payment options can be maintained by clicking on the button ‘Edit List’.

In our example we create the payment option ‘PayPal’ without any country code. We choose the following settings:
  • Description: PayPal
  • Country Code: (leave this field empty)
  • Active: (Check the box)

This payment option will be available for every country because we did not maintain any country code. If you choose a country there (for example GB for Great Britain), this payment option will only be available in that specific country.

Checking the box ‘Active’ will set the payment option active for the webshop.

Step 4: Set up fees for the payment options

You can set up special fees for the payment options. Just write the corresponding value in the field ‘Payment Cost’. These fees will be calculated and added at the end of the bill. In our example there are no extra fees, so we can set the fees to ‘0,00’ in the field ‘Payment Cost’.

Step 5: Set the checkout type

In the column ‘Checkout’ you now decide which payment option it should be. In our example we choose ‘PayPal verzögert’ in the field ‘Checkout’. Delayed (verzögert) means, that the purchase amount will be reserved, but not booked. The final booking of the amount will take place when the order is shipped.

Step 6: Set the checkout status

The checkout status determines if the requests to the online payment service will be sent as test or live. In our example we choose ‘Live’ in the field ‘Checkout State’.

Step 7: Activate digital coupons

If you want the customer to be able to buy digital coupons and digital goods via the payment option, you need to check the box ‘Permitted for digital goods’. In our example we check this box because it only makes sense to buy digital coupons via online payment options.

Step 8: Setup subscriptions via the payment option

To be able as customer to make subscriptions for an article via the selected payment option, simply check the box ‘Permitted for recurrent payments’. In our example we do not check the box, because we do not want to enable recurring payments for PayPal.

Step 9: Enable automatic payment settlements

In our example we check the box ‘Auto Clearing’, which enables the financial accounting to automatically record the incoming payment in the background.

Step 10: Insert a text module in the order

To insert a text module, like for example ‘DHL-Green’, in the order you need to choose a corresponding text module in the field ‘Text Order’. In our example we leave the field empty.

Step 11: Text module for an invoice via Email

You can set up a text module for the invoice email via the field ‘Email Invoice’. In our example we also leave the field empty.

Step 12: Assign a picture to the payment option

If you want to assign an explanatory picture to a payment option, you navigate via the ribbon bar ‘Related’ and ‘Additional Data’ to the fast tab ‘Logo’. There you need to click on ‘Edit Logo’. Pictures of the format JPEG and PNG can be uploaded there. These pictures will be converted to the compatible size automatically.

Step 13: Add a descriptions to a payment option

A description for a payment option can be added via the ribbon bar ‘Related’ and ‘Additional Data’. There you need to go to the fast tab ‘Description’ and click on ‘Edit Description’. The editor will open, in which you can write and format your description text. We recommend writing a meaningful and informative text, which should not be too long.

Step 14: Activate the payment option

Finally, you need to activate the payment option and synchronize it with the webshop system. In order to do this, you need to go back to the ‘Webshop Language list’ and click on the fast tab ‘Update Setup’ in the ribbon bar ‘Actions’ there. This will update all payment options and apply the recent changes there.

All the recently changed payment options will be automatically updated with the next update of all data.