Create a webshop category

In the following documentation we will show you how to create different webshop categories. These categories basically portray your navigation at the top of the website. You can also use them to group the items internally.

A category-tree with any number of categories can be created, which can be up to five levels deep. There can be as many items as you want assigned to a category. Also, an item can be in different categories.

These webshop categories intentionally differ from the NAV categories. Additionally, these are not synchronized with each other.

Step 1: Open Webshop Language list

Start by navigating to the webshop languages. To accomplish that, search for ‘webshop language list’

Step 2: Open webshop categories

Click on the fast tab ‘Categories’ inside the menu ‘Setup’, to open the overview of the webshop categories.

Step 3: Create category of 1st level

To create a category if the first level, you need to choose “New” in the fast tabs. By clicking on it a new entry will be inserted above the currently selected row. You can edit the category overview in this list, which enables faster application and editing of a category. With a click on ‘Edit List’ categories can be directly recorded and edited in the list.

In our example we call the category ‘bicycles’. We recommend you to also maintain a Search Code here by simply entering the Search Code in the associated column. We also enter ‘bikes’ there as an example. This code will be the URL of the category.

Step 4: Activate category of 1st level

First you need to choose the category and click on the fast tab ‘Edit’. This will open the card view of the just created category. In order to activate it, you need to tick the checkbox in the menu ‘general’.

Step 5: Add text to a category of 1st level

Navigate to the fast tab ‘Presentation’ in the menu ‘Related’ to add a little introductory text to the category. Now choose ‘Descriptions’ in the drop-down menu and click on the fast tab ‘Edit category excerpt’ there. This will open an editor, in which you can write and format your text. We recommend repeating the category name as a heading in the format 'heading 1'.

Step 6: Adjust the Display Options

In our example the category should not contain any items, because our category should only contain an overview of the associated subcategories.

For our configuration you need to choose the following settings in the menu ‘Display Options’:
  • Show All Items: Don’t Display
  • Show Sub Categorys: Tiles
  • Show Campain Items: Don’t Show

Step 7: Create category of 2nd level

Now choose the row under the previously created category of the first level. There you need to click on the fast tab ‘New’. After that you can maintain the Name and the Search Code in this row.

In our example we name the category of the second level ‘mountain-bikes’

Step 8: Activate category of 2nd level

Click on the fast tab ‘Edit’ to open the card view of the just created category. In our example this category is also a category of the last level, which means that it should include an overview of the related items.

For this exemplary configuration you need to choose the following settings in the menu ‘General’:
  • Active: On (Box checked)
  • Sort Items: Popularity

Step 9: Adjust the Display Options of the category of 2nd level

As already mentioned, the previously activated category should include a list of the related items.

In order to achieve this, you need to choose the following configuration in the menu ‘Display Options’:
  • Show All Items: List-View
  • Show Campain Items: Don’t Display
  • Show Sub Categorys: None

Step 10: Add a picture to the category of 1st level

Now you need to maintain a picture or a symbol for the category of the first level in the fast tab ‘Edit category image’. The fast tab can be found by clicking on ‘Related’ in the menu on top. This will open a ribbon bar, in which you need to click on ‘Presentation’ to see the fast tab ‘Category image’. By hovering over this tab with your mouse a drop-down menu will open in which you can find the fast tab ‘Edit category image’.

Images in JPEG or PNG format can be uploaded there. Also these will be converted to the correct size automatically.

Step 11: Assign an item to a category

To assign items to a category, you simply need to click on ‘Linked Items’ in the menu at the top. Now the list ‘Webshop Item Categories’ will open, in which you can see an overview of the assigned items. Via a click on the button ‘New’ another item can be added to the category. In our example we choose the ‘best mountain bike’ to be added. The order of the items can be changed via the buttons ‘Move up’ or ‘Move down’.

If you want to assign several items to a category simultaneously, you can use the button ‘Assign Items’ in the ribbon bar ‘Actions’. You can also apply filters there to find the desired items faster.

In our example we assigned items to the category via the Webshop Category card. This can also be done via the Webshop Item card.

Step 12: Adjust category levels

With a click on the fast tabs ‘Move up’ and ‘Move down’ the order of the currently selected categories can be changes within the same level. These fast tabs can be accessed via the three dots in the menu bar.

Furthermore, by clicking on ‘Previous Period’ and ‘Move Rights’ the level of the selected category can be changed. The button ‘Previous Period’ sets the category to a higher level, while the button ‘Move Rights’ is setting the category to a lower level.

This function is especially suitable for small changes in the order of the categories.

For bigger order-changes we recommend creating a new category at the desired location and to copy all the items from the old category. After the new category is set up, you can simply delete the old category.

Step 13: Synchronizing the categories

Click on the fast tab ‘Update all categories‘ to synchronize the categories with the webshop system. This will update all categories and apply the changes since the last update.

If you just want to update a single category, you can simply use the fast tab ‘Update Category’ which can be found via the three dots.

Also, all category-changes will be automatically applied with the next update of all data.